Tuesday 25 March 2014

Vaginal discharge - the first signal of problem

Vaginal discharge is the easiest marker of how the reproductive system is functioning.

Most of the time, vaginal discharge is perfectly normal. 
The amount, odor and color vary according to the time in your menstrual cycle.
Most women have a fair idea about their discharge.

However, if the color, smell, or consistency seems significantly unusual, especially if it accompanied by vaginal itching or burning, you could be noticing an infection. Get a check immediately.

Normal causes of abnormal discharge?
1. Antibiotic or steroid use
2. Bacterial infection of the vaginal - common who have multiple sexual partners
3. Birth control pills
4. Cervical cancer
5. Chlamydia or gonorrhea (STDs), sexually transmitted infections
6. Diabetes
7. Douches, scented soaps or lotions, bubble bath react with the vaginal skin.
8. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
9. Trichomoniasis, a parasitic infection typically contracted and caused by having unprotected sex.
10. Vaginal atrophy, the thinning and drying out of the vaginal walls during menopause
11. Yeast infections

Some of the most common discharge types I treat in my clinical practice -
1. Bloody or brown discharge - common with Irregular menstrual cycles, or in cases of cervial/endometrial cancer.
2. Cloudy or yellow discharge with pain while urinating - Sexually transmitted disease like Gonorrhea.
3. Frothy, yellow or greenish with a bad smell - Trichomoniasis infection due to unprotected and unhygienic sex.
4. Thick, white, cheesy with painful sexual intercourse - Yeast infection
5. White, gray, or yellow with fishy odor - Bacterial vaginosis

How is abnormal discharge treated?
1. consult your gynecologist
2. Antibiotics pills, creams and suppositories are given depending on the type of infection.
3. Keep the vagina clean by washing regularly with a gentle, mild soap and warm water.
4. Avoid scented soaps and feminine products or douche.
Also avoid feminine sprays and bubble baths.
5. After going to the bathroom, always wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from getting into the vagina and causing an infection.
6. Wear 100% cotton underpants, and avoid overly tight clothing.

- Dr.Mayuri Assudani
(Gynaecologsit and Infertility Consultant)

Menstruation Related Headaches

One of the most common complaints which woman have is headaches just a few days before start of their menstrual cycle.
You'll be surprised by 25% of all women.. and 50% of all headaches women have are related to their hormonal problems.

The most common symptoms -
A few days to a week before start of period -
1. feel sensitive and irritation
2. feel numbness or tingling
3. see lights (only 20% of cases)
4. intense pain that starts on one side of your head.
5. Nausea or vomitting
6. feeling of dizziness.
7. Light, movement or even small sounds make the pain worse.

Reason -
Drop in the estrogen levels.This affects the brain’s sensitivity and chemical balance.

Treatment -
1. Apply ice
2. Relaxation exercises
3. Over the counter medicines like ibuprofen two or three times a day.
Start these five to seven days before you expect your period.
4. consult your gynecologist if the problem is persistent for more than 3 cycles.
5. contraceptive pills under gynecologist assistance helps for a few days.
6. Pain killers
7. Anti-depressants like tricyclic or SSRI or beta-blockers are considered in severe cases.

- Dr.Mayuri Assudani
(Gynaecologsit and Infertility Consultant)

Overcome Infertility --Cervical Causes of Infertility

Infertility is defined as inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse.
It effects over 50 millions couples world wide.

Because of unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist.
In this article, I will discuss the cervical causes of infertility.

What is cervix?
Cervix is lower part of the uterus.

Cervical causes of infertility?
1. Cervical damage -
Most common reason is complication due to medical abortions through surgery.
woman today are getting abortions done at very young age.
The procedure usually involved in abortion includes inserting a small suction instrument through the cervix.
Several abortions leads to damage of the cervix.
such a cervix may not open for sperm introduction leading to infertility and miscarriage.

2. Cervical stenosis
Cervical stenosis is defined as a blockage or narrowing of the cervical canal, it is caused by-
a. birth defect
b. surgery complication - like in case of abortion.

3. Cervicitis
inflammation of the cervix -
a. sexually transmitted diseases
b. forceful sex
c. bacterial/viral/fungal infections

4. Hormone problem
Lack of enough estrogen - decreases functioning of cervix.

Why get treatment?
Danger - long term cervical problem can lead to cervical cancer which can be deadly.

Treatment -
a. prevention of the same by - safe sex and genital hygiene
b. avoid multiple sexual partners.
c. getting gynaecological treatment for any form of discharge you might be suffering.
d. Regular Sonography and blood tests
e. gynaecological check up for any pain during sex or recurrent lower abdominal pain.

- Dr.Mayuri Assudani
(Gynaecologsit and Infertility Consultant)

Monday 24 March 2014

Worry = infertility

Too much stress and worry may lower the chances of getting pregnant and cause infertility

A new study by researchers of the Ohio University, USA has found that stressed women are nearly 30 percent less likely to get pregnant and twice more likely to be diagnosed as 'infertile'.
Stress was measured by measuring a specific bio-marker.

Researchers tracked 501 American women ages 18 to 40 years who were free from known fertility problems and were trying to conceive.

American experts said results of this research should encourage women who are experiencing difficulty getting pregnant to consider managing their stress using stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation and visiting a psychiatrist.

A great majority of woman who come with infertility problem talk about a great amount of emotional distress they have.
In many cases eliminating this distress has helped them conceive within weeks.
The most common stressful situations which my infertility patients talk to me, include -
1. Not marrying a person of your choice.
2. Not getting along with in-laws. (specially mother-in-law)
3. Feeling of loneliness, as husband loves but doesn't express it.
4. Financially unsatisfied
5. Problems with husband or cheating husband
6. lack of sex due to incompatibility in bed.

- Dr.Mayuri Assudani
(Gynaecologsit and Infertility Consultant)

masturbation addiction

As a gynecologist one of the common complains many woman have is that their husbands are addicted to masturbation.
Because of this many men prefer to watch Pornography and masturbate.
This eventually decreases their sexual life, creating stress and guilt in the wife.

Though its not a direct cause of infertility, such addiction is known to decrease sexual intercourse and chances of missing the right time to conceive.

Such a problem is a mental health issue that needs help from both gynecologist and psychiatrist.

Dr.Mayuri Assudani
( Gynecologist and infertility consultant )

Life beyond Makeup

Nagpur is a wonderful city much quieter and greener than Mumbai.
Its also one with a relatively more peaceful life-style.

On a recent visit to Mumbai, I got the chance of meeting many people from the film industry and people working for them.

This segment of the "media" is one which lives a double life.. were reality is covered up by "heavy makeup".

Everyday I meet more and more patients in Nagpur, who are deeply influenced by these "fake onscreen lives" and land up creating health problems for themselves.

With Teenage pregnancies and teenage abortions showing an alarming rise, one of the major factors to be blamed is the open glorification of sex without any sex education.

Indian parents still find it very difficult to talk to their children about sex. They are very shy and scared to talk on that topic. But are the first to throw tantrums, anger fits and panic attacks when their young daughter gets pregnant or their son impregnates a girl from other caste/creed.

Because of this lack of sex education and extreme fear... most sexually active teenagers end up using medications or methods of contraception in a wrong way, leading to future infertility.

common teenage mistakes leading to infertility -
a. multiple abortions by quacks or unqualified doctors, destroy the uterus.
b. taking too many i-pills destroys the hormonal system
c. multiple sex partners increases the chances of sexually transmitted diseases, which cause infertility in both males/females.

The youth needs to understand the concept of responsibility.
Responsibility of self,
responsibility of body,
responsibility of mind.

Real life is not a movie. You are not a heroine or a hero.
Real life is battling and creating opportunities out of adversities.

Its time to see the truth of life.. Beyond the Make-up!!

- Dr.Mayuri Assudani
(Gynaecologsit and Infertility Consultant)

Not able to Loose weight - find what you are doing wrong??

In my Gynaecological practice I have seen hundreds of cases of irregular menstrual cycles, too mood swings, to inability to live a proper family life due to Obesity.
While you might love eating, don't forget over-weight body is one of the prime causes for infertility and gynaecological problems.

Every 3rd girl I meet seems to be dieting, but not able to loose weight.

Here are 10 wrong things most girls and women do, because of which their dieting and exercise is of no effect and they aren't able to loose weight -

1. Skipping Breakfast
The greatest myth of all is that one will loose weight by skipping breakfast.

One of the worst things you can do to your metabolism is to skip breakfast.
By skipping breakfast, you are telling your body to store everything you eat into fat.

And by the way, don't fool yourself - a cup of coffee/tea with a buiscuit or two doesn't count as breakfast.

Have proper breakfast.

2. Not Eating Enough - Starvation
The other greatest myth is to starve yourself. After all simple mathematics says - eat less, loose more weight

The less you eat, the more you are commanding your body to convert all food into fat.

Eat small meals - eat at least 1,200 calories a day if you are a woman and 1,800 if you are a man.

3. Drinking Coka-cola/Pepsi or Diet coke/pepsi
1 can or bottle of Aerated drinks has enough sugar to make you sick/vomit.
All that goes into the body and is stored as fat.

Diet Coke/Pepsi is worse, they have chemicals that cause hormonal imbalance.

If you want to loose weight, completely discard aerated drinks from your diet.

4. Sitting Still
Sitting seems the favourite pass time of the entire nation.
Don't be shocked but sitting in front of the TV watching your favorite serial causes obesity.
20min into sitting your body metabolism slows down and burning of fat is decreased.

stretch those legs, get up, fetch yourself a glass of water.. Stop demanding your servants/relatives to serve you everything on the sofa.

5.Not Eating on Schedule
If you eat at different times each day, your body will not know which is the best time to burn fat.
Have a proper schedule.

6. Not Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep leads to -
a. decreased body metabolism leading to decreased fat burning
b. increased hunger and craving for fat/fried/carbohydrate rich food

get control on your sleep.
IF you are having trouble sleeping, consult your gynecologist or psychiatrist.
Stress or hormonal imbalance can destroy your sleep.

7. Sugar rush
Many of my patients have this habbit of eating sugar filled foods when they get hunger pangs.
That chocolate, sweets, nutribar, is destroying your body.

Blood Sugar level spikes cause your system to work in irregular ways. actually burning less fat.

8. Not Enough Protein
You're probably wondering which is the best food to have to boost weight loss - the answer is protein and lots of it! You should make sure there is a good protein source in every meal. E
ating protein in a meal boosts post meal calorie burn by up to 35%! Good protein choices are fish, chicken, egg, milk and nuts.

9. Dehydration
Up to 60% of our bodies are made of water, so it should be no surprise that water is important for burning fat.

I meet Many young girls who don't drink water with the fear of getting fat. Well dumb girls - dehydration causes the body to burn fewer calories.
Drink at least 2-3L of plain water.

10 Low Iron and Calcium levels.

Iron is needed to help your blood carry oxygen and therefore essential for fat burning.
If you are low in iron your fat burning will suffer.
Girls and women of all age don't get this simple logic.

Everyday when I see the blood reports of patients... single figures of Hb like 7,8,9 or 10 are alarming.

Iron is not the only big problem, its sad to see girls deficient on Calcium.

I once carried a random check up of calcium levels for 50 patients and found 40 of them to have less then normal.

How can you expect to loose weight when you body is deficient in nutrients.


- Dr.Mayuri Assudani
(Gynaecologsit and Infertility Consultant)